Alimony Lawyer Brandon, FL

Spousal support is one of the most contested parts of a divorce settlement, and for good reason. Many marriages have an earning imbalance between the couple, and the imbalance widens when one spouse is a stay-at-home spouse or parent. Determining whether one spouse is entitled to alimony, either for a short period of time (durational, usually capped at 5 years) or longer, if the marriage was longer, can be complex. Whether you’re the paying spouse or the recipient, having a Brandon, FL, alimony lawyer on your side is critical to protecting your rights.

The legal team at Olivero Law, P.A., is on your side, whether you’re the paying spouse or the recipient. We’re ready to fight for your interests; as fierce negotiators, we strive to achieve an outcome to help you face your new future securely and with the financial means you need for a fresh start.

Why Do I Need A Brandon Alimony Lawyer?

We follow changes to Florida alimony statutes closely to better understand the impact changes may have on your divorce settlement. We also carefully review your marital finances to determine your rights under Florida alimony laws. Weighing the intangible contributions to a marriage can get complex; you need an attorney familiar with valuing intangible contributions to help determine a fair alimony settlement.

If you are the spouse who may be paying alimony, we’re here to support you and protect everything you’ve worked hard to achieve. Divorce can be complicated and emotional; we’re the cool head on your side, focusing on your interests alone. As your attorneys, we give you the information you need and the options available, as well as advice about the potential outcome of different decisions so that you can make the best choices for your future.

Determining Alimony In Florida

Florida recently abolished permanent alimony, although the state still has several options available for a family law judge to award. First, the court must determine whether spousal support is necessary, whether alimony or maintenance. Then, the court must determine whether the other party has the means to pay spousal maintenance or alimony.

Part of your divorce attorney’s job is to build a case supporting your position, whether you are the potential paying spouse or potential recipient. A judge will consider:

  • The standard of living the couple enjoyed during the marriage
  • How long the marriage lasted
  • The physical and emotional condition of each spouse
  • Each spouse’s age
  • Each spouse’s financial resources, including both marital and non-marital assets, and the distribution of debts and liabilities to each
  • Each spouse’s earning potential, considering their education or vocational training and overall employability
  • Whether one spouse needs time to acquire sufficient education or training to secure gainful employment
  • Contributions of each party to the marriage and household, such as stay-at-home parenting or household management, and services rendered in the career-building of the other spouse

Courts strive for equity and justice when determining spousal support; however, many of the considerations for awarding alimony are not black and white. A skilled Brandon alimony lawyer builds your case, using forensic accounting and their depth of experience in contested alimony cases to advance your interests and protect your property rights.


Divorce Is Hard. We’re Here To Help.

If you’re going through a divorce, you don’t have to go alone. The legal team at Olivero Law, P.A., is your support and legal advocate, helping you achieve a fair outcome in questions of alimony so you have the means for a fresh start moving forward. Contact us today for a professional consultation.

Understanding Custody, Visitation, And Support

Your Brandon, FL alimony lawyer can help you fight for a fair outcome if you’re going through a divorce. With years of legal experience, and a diverse team of attorneys who specialize in cases just like yours, you can count on Olivero Law, P.A. to show you your next steps. Read on to learn more about custody, visitation, and support:

Custody Considerations

Custody refers to the legal rights and responsibilities a parent has towards their child. There are two main types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody determines where the child will live, while legal custody concerns the decision-making rights regarding the child’s education, health care, and other important issues.

Custody can be sole or joint. Sole custody means one parent has the primary responsibility for the child, whereas joint custody allows both parents to share these responsibilities. The determination of custody is based on the best interest of the child, a standard that considers several factors including the child’s age, the parental relationship, and the health and safety of the child.

Visitation Rights

Visitation, or parenting time, refers to how parents will share time with their child. For the parent who does not have primary physical custody, a visitation schedule is essential. This schedule should be consistent and clear to provide stability for the child. Visitation plans can vary widely but generally include regular weekday and weekend schedules, as well as provisions for holidays, school breaks, and special occasions.

Creating a visitation schedule that works for both parents and meets the needs of the child can be challenging. It’s important for parents to work collaboratively to establish a plan that supports the child’s relationship with both parents.

Support Dynamics

Child support is a payment that one parent provides to another to help cover the costs associated with raising a child. The purpose of child support is to cover the child’s financial needs, regardless of changes in the family structure. Child support amounts are typically determined by state guidelines that consider the income of both parents, the number of children, and the custody arrangement.

In addition to child support, parents may need to discuss how to handle other expenses like health care, education, and extracurricular activities. These discussions can be sensitive, and require a thoughtful approach.

Legal Guidance Through Family Changes

Handling custody, visitation, and support issues requires careful consideration and often, legal intervention. Changes in family dynamics can be emotionally charged, making it difficult for parents to reach amicable agreements on their own. This is where legal support becomes invaluable.

Legal professionals can help mediate discussions and negotiate terms that protect the interests of both the child and the parents. Your Brandon alimony lawyer can can also make sure all agreements comply with state laws, and are legally enforceable.

How Olivero Law, P.A. Can Help

If you are dealing with custody, visitation, and support, you do not have to do it alone. At Olivero Law, P.A., we understand the emotional and legal complexities involved in family law issues. Contact our team today, and see how a Brandon alimony lawyer from our office can help.

Brandon Alimony FAQs

Your Brandon, FL alimony lawyer can help you plan for your life post-divorce. At Olivero Law, P.A., we’ve helped our clients with a wide range of family-law related cases, ranging from child custody to spousal support. Read on to learn more about alimony, and contact our office today to get started.

What Factors Do Courts Consider When Deciding Alimony?

When courts evaluate whether alimony should be awarded, they look at various factors to keep things fair. These factors include the duration of the marriage, the standard of living established during the marriage, each spouse’s financial resources, age, physical and emotional condition, and each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, including caregiving and education support. The goal is to achieve an equitable outcome that maintains a semblance of the marital standard of living, as much as possible under the circumstances.

How Is The Amount Of Alimony Determined?

The amount of alimony is primarily determined based on the needs and ability to pay of the parties involved. Courts examine the requesting spouse’s financial needs detailed against the lifestyle they were accustomed to during the marriage and weigh it against the other spouse’s ability to pay while maintaining financial independence. Importantly, this process aims to balance the financial effects of divorce fairly and justly without unduly straining either party.

How Can I Stop Paying Alimony If My Financial Situation Changes?

Changes in financial circumstances, such as job loss, illness, or disability, may warrant a modification of alimony payments. To adjust your alimony, you will need to file a petition for modification with the court that issued the original order. This petition should provide evidence of the change in circumstances. It’s a challenging process, but your Brandon alimony lawyer can walk you through your next steps.

What Disqualifies You From Alimony In Florida?

In Florida, several situations could potentially disqualify an individual from receiving alimony. These include having a short-term marriage where no dependence was established, possessing adequate financial resources to support oneself, or in cases where the marriage ended due to adultery or misconduct that financially impacted the marital assets. Additionally, if the court finds that both parties have similar financial resources or if the requesting party’s lifestyle does not require support, alimony may be denied.

How Does One Enforce An Alimony Order?

Enforcing an alimony order can be pursued through several legal avenues if the paying party fails to comply. The recipient may file a motion for contempt or enforcement in the court that issued the alimony order. This motion can prompt the court to take measures such as garnishing wages, seizing assets, or even imposing fines or jail time to enforce compliance.

Contact Us Today

At Olivero Law, P.A., we are committed to helping our clients understand their rights and options regarding alimony. Whether you’re on the verge of divorce, contemplating your financial future, or seeking modifications to existing alimony arrangements, our team is here to provide the support and advice you need. If you have more questions or need assistance with your alimony concerns, contact us today to get in touch with a Brandon alimony lawyer from our office as soon as possible.


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    “Shiobhan is a consummate professional who is never afraid to take the tough cases. I have had the pleasure of knowing her as a colleague and friend and I am always impressed with her passion for her clients and to never stop growing. If you choose to hire Shiobhan you will certainly be made to feel as if you are more than just another name on a list of cases, as she truly cares for the people she is advocating for.”
    CaraLea P.
    Client Review

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